Thursday, September 6, 2012

Challenge - Round and Round

Circles, disks, coins, etc. All elements I love to use in my pages. Today I would love to see you make a page (digital OR hands-on) that include at least 10 circles. Various sizes, colors, textures.

You can cut them from newspapers, magazines, old photos, post cards, or what else you may have on hand.
You can also use some of the ones I have here at Art Journaling for Less or at my store.

In week 14 you received a pack of circles which is still free in case you didnt get to download then [DOWNLOAD HERE] I also have several packs of 'coins' at my store [HERE]. My favorite is pack #4. Just so many different and fun images.

To accompany your circles, you can do doodles, or you can do some journaling. If you are anything like me you will have trouble thinking of something to write about, but don't worry. You can use quotes that you find in books or on the internet.

It's the circle of life.
What comes around...
A circle of friends.

You can also have the circles symbolize something. Earth, the universe, a close knit family. Or maybe just make pretty flowers by adding some doodles.

Endless fun.

I hope you have fun doing this challenge.

REMEMBER: Art Journaling is not about the beginning or the end. It is all about the process. The Journey!

And if you feel up to it, please share pictures of your art journal pages at our Flickr gallery [HERE]


  1. Fun challenge. I found this one sooo easy....I love the idea of repeated shapes to focus the layout.

  2. OOOHH! I love this. I have an idea already, now to go hide and work on it!
