Wednesday, July 25, 2012

ATTENTION MEMBERS: Challenge Suggestions

Hi Friends
So I am sitting here this afternoon working on getting some challenge up for you and it hit me that maybe I should ask you what YOU want to do.

Are there any specific words you would like to work with in our Word Challenge (the one for digital members) or maybe there is something specific you would like to try out in the hands-on section. Please let me know.

Makes me happy when you are happy, so let me know what YOU want out of the challenges.

Also, be sure to take a look in the Flickr Gallery. Our wonderful members (YOU) have uploaded some AWESOME pages. Great inspiration for the rest of us!


  1. art, create, joy, love, hate, fear, journey, passion, I could go on forever about words I should do.

  2. Thank you. I will see what I can come up with for this week :)
